No Study= Fail
Study + No Study = Fail + No Fail
Study( 1 + No)= Fail( 1 + No )
Study= Fail
Wong Kar Fai never study but scored 97% in chemistry test 2.
So why study?
''Notes are for nerds'' -Kit'08
If you've been following the news recently, you'll probably know that the Large Hadron Collider will start accelerating 2 protons to 99.9% of light speed and smashing them together to look for the Higg's Boson tomorrow, or in layman's term, doomsday.
The Large Hadron Collider or LHC for short is essentially a very loooooooooooong underground tunnel buried somewhere under Geneva. And it's main usage? To smash things up, obviously.
By smashing up 2 protons in the collider, scientists hope to recreate the conditions in the universe right after the Big Bang. The problem here is, when you create a miniature universe, you also create a black hole.
And everyone know how dangerous a black hole is. It'll suck anything and everything, eventually gobbling down earth itself.
So, why would anyone with a sane mind spend 6 billion euro and 13 years to create something that will destroy earth?
The answer is simple, physicists want to know that they didn't waste their whole life studying something that is non-existent. The truth is that, your physics text book are lying to you. The standard model that you use everyday to do your physics homework are not 100% proven. One of the most important component, namely the Higg's Boson or more commonly known as the god particle, is never proven.It's inevitable that we will all die tomorrow, so spend the last day wisely with your love ones and do what you have always dreamt of doing. At least you can look Satan in the face and say "I lived my life!"
Kent and I actually planned that if we were to die and become ghosts, we will peep on Lin Zhi Ling.Too bad she's gonna die with us tomorrow, guess we will meet her in hell.
THU - Early this morning, PSG member Kit (The one with the eyebags) was injured during a game of basketball. Witnesses say that he was hit on the head by a basketball traveling at high speed. Early reports say that there is no permanent head damage. Reports indicate that the basketball was directed at Kit by one " Mr Cockroach". After the incident, the game continued. This reporter also lost his fitting and slid on the floor. The reporter's jeans are now a tad dirty. Confound it.
More updates as we get them.
This is Teh 'O News.